
Untitled Document

Self Portraits

Untitled Document


Untitled Document


Untitled Document Kate at 2World of WonderTaking FlightKing of the Wild ThingsA Child Will Lead ThemCuriosity and ChaosVincentSibling JoysChild of SpringMorning LightCharlotte at 2 years oldReachSweet DreamsEnchanted BlossomsBeth at 2 years oldA Fleeting MomentReckless AbandonSimonA World of PossibilitiesFledglingsCarlos and OliviaInnocenceOliviaSharing SecretsCaroline and CarsonStellaToby and Ellie MaeOcean Games

Alla Prima Sketches/Demos from Life

Untitled Document

Still Life/Interior

Untitled Document

Landscapes/Plein Air

Untitled Document